08 July 2012


It's holiday time, yay! I have a month off, which is fabulous. There's so much we want to fit in, it will be a miracle if we manage everything...

The most exciting news is that we'll be moving to our new house in a couple of weeks, as the sale has gone through. It's been relatively non-stressful, thanks to an excellent estate agent and mortgage advisor and the lovely HR people at my work, who have been so helpful with all the bureaucracy. It's certainly a much speedier process than the UK (also helped by the fact that we've already sold our Gateshead house). So now we own 4,000 square metres of Finland. Wooo!!

Aside from that, so far this month we have mostly been occupied with sitting on the beach at Avaranta. This week has been hot and sunny, so we headed there most days after work. I even swam in the lake, which is something of a minor miracle given that in May it still had ice in the middle. I can report it was a bit on the chilly side...but still warmer than the North Sea! On Saturday we spent the whole day there, eating takeaway pizza for lunch, and launching The Enormous Walrus, M's new boat. She took to rowing pretty quickly (luckily we have a rope attached, so she can't zoom off across the lake...) 

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