12 March 2008

oh no, I am working, honest

Always yearned for one of those shop assistant jobs where you float around folding up clothes, looking surly and avoiding the customers? Then this is for you - a handy guide to folding up t-shirts.

I've just gone and practised folding up several t-shirts, and I'm now pathetically excited. I really must get back to work...


patroclus said...

Hee, this reminds me of the very last scene in Romy and Michele's High School Reunion. 'Let's fold scarves!' - aww, bless.

I once worked in Laura Ashley Home Furnishings (worst. job. ever.) and one day I got commandeered to work in the Laura Ashley clothes shop down the road. All I learned was that you can space coat hangers evenly by putting a finger between each one.

rach said...

I used to work in a dress shop in Darlington which had delusions of grandeur - this was before WAGs were invented, but the owner clearly thought she was aiming at that market, despite Darlington's lack of footballing success. She was obsessive about coat hangers too - they all had to point the same way, and be a certain space apart (can't remember how many fingers were involved though!).

Looking back, I'm not sure why I thought pandering to rich people in a shop full of gold shoes and mother of the bride suits would be a good career move - but I suspect it was because I was a student at the time, and in need of the cash. I lasted about a month - although I do still have a pair of shoes from the shop that I wear occasionally now (not gold, I hasten to add!).

Anonymous said...

Nothing pathetic about your excitement, I'd say. That is a pretty damn thrilling way to fold a t-shirt.

Time for my weak lemon drink and a sit down, I think.

rach said...

Surely it's a nice cup of tea and a sit down? Then at least there might be a fighting chance of a biscuit...