Showing posts with label courgettes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label courgettes. Show all posts

27 August 2009


There's definitely a theme to this month's recipes over at Recipes for Millie: courgettes. So far since coming back from holiday we've eaten

  • ratatouille
  • courgette and goat's cheese pancakes
  • courgette, chickpea and filo pastry pie
  • the smaller ones sliced raw in salads
  • the larger ones diced and thrown into any recipe that requires vaguely Mediterranean veg
It's all a bit of a novelty, really, having so many of the things. The last couple of years we've grown them from seed, and then planted them on the balcony in large pots, where the slugs have promptly eaten them, or the courgettes themselves have turned yellow and dropped off. Turns out what we really needed to do was get a couple of cheap plants from B&Q, chuck them unceremoniously in a flat bit of the allotment with a bit of manure, and leave to their own devices. Maybe ignoring more plants is the way forward?

Anyway, next on the agenda: courgette and cheese loaf, piccalilli, and possibly courgette chutney, if I get round to it. Then it's onto the potato mountain...