Showing posts with label Maker Faire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maker Faire. Show all posts

17 March 2011


Here's our pinhole camera image in all its glory - the streaks are the sun as it's moved across the sky over the last three months. You can see our back lane (and lamppost) quite clearly (our camera was fixed to the corner of our balcony). There used to be a few specks of mould, but they've been taken out in Photoshop.

Very impressed - it was just a beer can containing black and white photographic paper, with a teeny-tiny pinhole. Even more impressive, it was developed using a scanner (see for more info).

13 March 2011

Maker Faire 2011

We've been at the madness which is Maker Faire UK today. Robots, knitted neurons, firebreathing dragons, and more craft/tech nonsense than you can shake a stick at. It was fabulous - inspiring, creative and completely potty.

Here's Orb and M making a rocket:

And here's Captain Jack with the finished product: Thunderbird 27

More pictures to follow, including some amazing long exposures of us dancing with glow-in-the-dark bracelets/swords etc and the image that was developed from our pinhole camera!

10 January 2011

Maker Faire here we come

We had a fabulous time at the Maker Faire event at the Centre for Life last year - constructing drawing robots, baking lollipop pies, and generally playing around with all sorts of technology.

This year, we're taking part in the pinhole sunrise camera project. We have to put the camera (handily disguised as a beer can) outside for three months to capture the path of the sun across the sky as spring arrives, and then develop it at the event in March. Can you spot it below?

We'll post the results when we develop them!