Showing posts with label conferences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conferences. Show all posts

14 April 2010

Ol' Lunnon Town

...was looking rather photogenic on Monday night. I was staying near Millbank for a conference - this was taken from Lambeth Bridge. Westminster's not an area I've really been to before (I'm usually a Kensington or King's Cross/Holborn/Covent Garden girl), so it was good to have a wander round somewhere new. I was quite taken with some of the warren of streets behind Millbank and near Westminster Abbey - there were some rather fantastic hidden churches, and lots of lovely (and no doubt very expensive) houses.

28 March 2009

Point Hotel, Edinburgh

Fluorescent lights at the Point Hotel, where I stayed this week (I was blogging at the JISC Conference 2009). The place is looking a little shabby these days, but the lighting is still fun.